Tag: Feliciano Financial Group

Financial Considerations While Navigating Divorce (Ep. 36)

Financial Considerations While Navigating Divorce (Ep. 36)

It’s understandable if you’re nervous about getting divorced. However, Jose and Jeff Feliciano are here to help you!

In this episode, Jeff and Jose unpack 5 financial tips to consider while navigating a divorce.  These are the same tips they’ve shared with numerous couples, including those with children and property from previous marriages. 

Jose and Jeff discuss: 

  • The truth about blending families, especially if you have young children
  • 3 financial questions to ask your partner before you even think about getting married
  • Why combining vs. separating finances aren’t the only options – and why successful couples opt for a third strategy
  • The biggest mistake new couples make with property (it’s difficult to reverse!)
  • A mistake that could allow your new spouse to disinherit your kids if you were to pass away (and how to avoid this!)
  • And more!

Book time with Jose and Jeff Feliciano: 

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Young Families: Learn How To Plan Your Future (Ep. 35)

Young Families: Learn How To Plan Your Future (Ep. 35)

What’s important to you?

When looking at your and your family’s future, it’s crucial to integrate goals, challenges, and processes within your plan. 

From the importance of communication, education, and consistency to debt and budgeting tricks, this week, Jose and Jeff Feliciano provide you with the roadmap you need to consider when planning ahead for your and your family’s future. 

Jose and Jeff discuss: 

  • Owning versus renting a house
  • The importance of investing in yourself
  • How challenges can turn into opportunities for your future 
  • How to manage budgeting and debt when building for a family
  • And more!


Book time with Jose and Jeff Feliciano: 

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Checklist: Here Are The Components of a Planning Process (Ep. 33)

Checklist: Here Are The Components of a Planning Process (Ep. 33)

Whether you changed jobs, are at a new stage in your life, or the markets have experienced a change, it’s crucial to review your portfolio and its structure to best fit your goals.

In this episode, Jose and Jeff Feliciano reveal their checklist to ensure you and your advisor are hitting the right components of a planning process. Together, they give you the tips you need to approach change in your portfolio and better support your loved ones. 

Jeff and Jose discuss: 

  • The importance of reviewing your objectives and risk tolerance on a yearly basis
  • How to nail down your asset structure to have an efficient growth strategy
  • Tips to better manage your cash flow particularly in a state of inflation
  • Financial strategies to support your loved ones
  • And more!


Connect with Feliciano Financial Group:

Learn How to Avoid These Critical Financial Bad Habits (Ep. 32)

Learn How to Avoid These Critical Financial Bad Habits (Ep. 32)

It can be easy to slip into bad habits with your finances, especially with the many distractions and temptations we face everyday. 

Learn how to question and say no to overindulging into your savings or bonus to prepare for a successful future.

In this episode, Jose Feliciano and Jeff Feliciano discuss the critical habits to avoid while dealing with your finances. Hear more about how you can take action to plan more responsibly and utilize the resources around you to make more responsible and emotion-free decisions.

Jose and Jeff discusses: 

  • How impactful ignoring your debt can be on your financial situation
  • How critical it is to have an emergency fund and monitor your priorities to make effective financial decisions 
  • The importance of capitalizing on your 401k if it is accessible 
  • How to work on taking your emotion and fear out of your financial planning
  • And more

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Some Good Financial Habits to Have (Ep. 31)

Some Good Financial Habits to Have (Ep. 31)

It might be stressful trying to figure out where to start with your financial planning. However, taking no action on your financial planning is an action.

Creating a plan, no matter your goals, is essential for success.

In this episode, Jose Feliciano and Jeff Feliciano discuss the financial habits that will lead you to success. No financial plan is the same, it is important to figure out your interests and goals to be able to build good financial habits.

Jose and Jeff discuss:

  • How to consider volatility when creating a financial and retirement plan
  • Building an appropriate investment plan around your personal risk tolerance
  • The importance of diversifying your portfolio across asset classes to reduce volatility
  • Why you should remove your emotions from your investment decision-making
  • And more

Connect With Feliciano Financial Group:


*Securities offered through Lion Street Financial, LLC (LSF), member FINRA, SIPC
nvestment Advisory Services offered through Lion Street Advisors, LLC   


9 Critical Financial Considerations for Business Owners (Ep. 30)

9 Critical Financial Considerations for Business Owners (Ep. 30)

More and more people have been changing their careers and starting a business since the start of the pandemic.

It is important to be proactive and consider planning for the future of your business and your employees.

In this episode, Jose Feliciano and Jeff Feliciano discuss the nine things business owners should consider to plan proactively for the health and safety of their business, family, and employees. They discuss the importance of getting different perspectives on your business operations and how to protect your business’s future.

Jose and Jeff discuss:

  • The importance of supporting your employees’ wellbeing
  • Planning for the future of your business and your retirement
  • How to plan to give back to the community and charity of your choice
  • The importance of getting multiple opinions on the operation of your business
  • And more

Connect With Feliciano Financial Group:

10 Common Objections to Estate Planning (Ep. 29)

10 Common Objections to Estate Planning (Ep. 29)

You never know what comes tomorrow. Take time to plan your future, for your investments AND your estate, for yourself and your loved ones.

In this episode, Jose Feliciano and Jeff Feliciano identify the 10 common objections to estate planning and why it is important to begin today no matter your age, income, or family status. 

Learn why creating a plan is essential to supporting your loved ones, even before you pass.

Jose and Jeff discusses: 

  •  Why it is important to have a will no matter your background
  •  How it is a essential way to show that you love and care for your family and its future
  •  The misconceptions of estate planning that it is too expensive or time consuming
  •  The possible consequences to the health and well being of your and your family if you neglect planning
  • And more


Feliciano Financial: Estate Planning 

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Episode 14 – The Critical Conversations with Family Members — Part 1

Episode 14 – The Critical Conversations with Family Members — Part 1

It can be extremely uncomfortable as talking about money with family members. But there are critical conversations that are almost unavoidable that you need to have with your spouse, kids, and parents.

In part one of this mini-series, Jose Feliciano and Jeff Feliciano discuss how to approach those necessary money conversations with family members, and the types of questions to ask to be better prepared for the future.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why you need to have conversations about finances, retirement, and risk tolerance with your spouse
  • Why you need to have conversations about credit, spending, and budgeting with your kids
  • Why you need to have conversations about finances, health care, living circumstances with your parents
  • And more!

Tune in as Jose and Jeff Feliciano discuss how to enhance communication with your loved ones to have those critical conversations!

Resources: Feliciano Financial Group: (903) 533-8585

Episode 13 – Common Questions That Investors Should Ask Advisors – Part 2

Episode 13 – Common Questions That Investors Should Ask Advisors – Part 2

Whether you are interviewing a new financial advisor or already working with someone, there are some important questions you should be asking to make sure that these professionals are covering and addressing your needs.

In part two of this two-part mini-series, Jose Feliciano and Jeff Feliciano continue to address the questions that you should be asking your financial advisors.

In this episode you will learn:

  • The types of certificates and licenses financial advisors can possess
  • Why investors should be asking if the financial advisor works individually or on a team
  • Why you should know how many clients an advisor serves
  • The importance of communication in the relationship
  • And more!

Tune in as Jose and Jeff Feliciano share how to find the best financial advisor for you! 

Resources: Feliciano Financial Group: (903) 533-8585